Top 10 Right Tankmates for Corydoras Catfish

With their armored bodies and playful personalities, Corydoras catfish have charmed many aquarium hobbyists. These busy little bottom dwellers are a staple in community tanks thanks to their peaceful temperament and non-aggressive behavior. In this article we talk aobut Top 10 Right Tankmates for Corydoras Catfish.

When setting up a tank for Corydoras catfish, it’s important to choose compatible tankmates that share similar water parameters and won’t compete for resources. The right tankmates can help create a thriving, low-maintenance community aquarium.

Factors to Consider When Selecting Tankmates

Before exploring fish that make good Corydoras tankmates, let’s go over some key factors to keep in mind:

  • Temperament – Tankmates should be peaceful and unlikely to nip or bully Corydoras. Aggressive species can stress them out.
  • Water conditions – All inhabitants should share similar water parameter needs in terms of temperature, pH, and hardness.
  • Swimming level – Tankmates should occupy different levels of the tank to reduce competition over resources.
  • Size – Avoid tankmates that are large enough to eat Corydoras, which can fit inside many fish’s mouths.

By factoring in these elements, you can provide a safe, comfortable environment for all tank residents. Now let’s get into those top tankmate picks!

Top 10 Tankmates for Corydoras Catfish


No community tank would be complete without a lively school of tetras! These colorful beauties are perfect mid-level tankmates for Corydoras catfish. Species like ember tetras, neon tetras, and cardinal tetras are particularly suitable thanks to their peaceful temperament and similar water parameters.

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Rasboras make excellent community fish for tanks with Corydoras catfish. Like tetras, they occupy the middle water column, leaving space for Corydoras to rummage along the bottom. Try harlequin rasboras, lambchop rasboras, or chili rasboras.


Zippy danios bring nonstop activity to planted aquariums. Giant danios and zebra danios are fast-moving but peaceful choices that get along well with Corydoras catfish. Be sure to have a tank large enough to accommodate their energetic swimming.


If you’re looking to add a pop of color to your Corydoras tank, platies are a great option. Their wide variety of strains come in bright colors like red, yellow, orange, blue, and more. Peaceful by nature, platies get along well with most community tanks.


Another vivacious livebearer that thrives with Corydoras are mollies. They come in black, gold, and silver shades with striking dorsal fins. Mollies do well in hard, alkaline water similar to the parameters Corydoras require.


No community tank is complete without a few guppies! Male guppies dazzle with their colorful, flowing fins while females show off their vibrant colors. Guppies are perfect mid-to-top level companions for Corydoras catfish when provided with plenty of foliage.


Swordtails share a body shape similar to platies and mollies but with an elongated bottom fin resembling – you guessed it – a sword! These uncommon livebearers add diversity to community tanks and get along nicely with Corydoras catfish.


If you want to add activity to the water’s surface, consider a school of hatchetfish for your Corydoras tank. Their unique body shape allows them to swim in the upper water levels, leaving the rest of the tank open for other occupants.

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Otocinclus Catfish

For another bottom-dwelling fish, check out otocinclus catfish. Often called “otos,” these tiny algae eaters are peaceful, excellent community tank cleaners. They’ll help keep your tank spotless without disturbing your Corydoras catfish.

Snails & Shrimp

Lastly, consider adding clean-up crew like snails and shrimp. Nerite snails, mystery snails, ghost shrimp, bamboo shrimp, vampire shrimp and more make great tankmates for Corydoras catfish. They’ll help eat algae and clean up extra fish food.

Creating the Ideal Habitat for Corydoras Catfish

Now that you know the best tankmates for Corydoras catfish, let’s go over a few habitat tips to help them thrive:

  • Use a fine, smooth substrate Corydoras can sift through without injuring their barbels. Sand is ideal.
  • Include several hiding spots like caves, tunnels, and dense vegetation so Corydoras feel secure.
  • Arrange hardscape and plants to leave plenty of open swimming areas for schooling fish.
  • Maintain water parameters at the following: Temperature 72°F – 82°F, pH between 6.0-8.0, hardness to at least 10 dGH. Perform regular partial water changes.

The Right Tankmates Create Thriving Aquariums

There you have it! By selecting suitable tankmates, adding habitat features, and maintaining ideal water conditions, you’re sure to have vibrant community tank. Compatible fish enhance Corydoras catfish’s behaviors while allowing them to thrive.

Use this guide to find the perfect tankmates for your Corydoras catfish. Soon you’ll have a bustling community aquarium you can enjoy for years to come. I sincerely hope you find this “Top 10 Right Tankmates for Corydoras Catfish” article helpful.

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